dijous, 11 de juliol del 2013

Retiro Station. Buenos Aires.

Retiro Station in Buenos Aires belongs to Argentinian national heritage. It was used in some scenes of the film The Secret in Their Eyes (2009, El secreto de sus ojos) directed by Juan José Campanella following a screenplay based on the novel The Question of their eyes (2005, La pregunta de sus ojos) by Eduardo Sacheri. The station is the localization of endless waits of the victim's husband in order to find the murderer, the travels of main caracter and the perfect and emotive farewell scene on the platform. The scene can be seen on Youtube.
The film, which won the Oscar for best foreign film 2010, used as a stage the central nave, in which a train was maked up to 1974 liverie, and the lobby, that was tricked to the appearance of the year of  the action.

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